A full-service laboratory specialising in crowns, bridges, implants, dentures, and partial frames since 2009. Now with the 3shape D2000 scanner as well as the VHF S1 and S2 milling machines, our qualified team are designing and milling in-house, reducing the turn-around time and eliminating the need to outsource jobs. We are a boutique dental lab that focuses on innovation and technology to produce the best possible product for our clients at an affordable and competitive price.
The mission of A2 Dental Lab is to support client dentists in their endeavours to improve and change the lives of their dental patients through the fabrication and provision of exceptional dental prosthetic solutions. We value close relationships with our clients and provide valuable support with daily face-to-face meetings, case discussions, networking, and sharing of ideas and knowledge.
A2 Dental Lab works closely with our suppliers, who are our partners in every case. Their support enables us to deliver the best outcome for your patients.