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Pacific Smiles Group (PSG) is Australia’s fastest-growing Dentist Service Organisation

Pacific Smiles Group operates over 120 dental centres nationally and over 800 dentists choose to operate their practice with PSG without the significant set-up costs required to establish a modern and high-quality centre, to serve a local community.

PSG provides modern facilities and leading dental equipment, supported by trained staff that allows dental practitioners to retain clinical autonomy while enjoying the support of a network of experienced dental professional peers. Strong patient demand is assured, as is access to continuing professional development opportunities, to improve the oral health of all Australians to world’s best.

PSG owns and operates the Pacific Smiles Dental and Nib Dental Care centres across the East Coast of Australia and exclusively manages the operation of HBF Dental Centres in Western Australia. With over 800+ Dental Practitioners choosing to operate their dental practices within our dental centres, there are many opportunities for Dentists within the Pacific Smiles Group network.