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We help dental professionals do more, virtually.

Dental Monitoring in a few words?

  • A solution at the cutting edge of artificial intelligence and image analysis in the dental field, enabling remote support for patients and practitioners.
  • A Tech company in full growth, always looking for innovation, quality and performance.
  • An international team with a friendly and benevolent spirit, focused on the same objective: to offer the most adapted and qualitative solutions possible.
  • The first unicorn of the dental sector!

In 2014, we started DentalMonitoring with the vision to help the dental industry automate and virtualize evrything outside of the clinical side of care.

We’re now the leader in AI-based solutions that empower orthodontists to expand their practice into a virtual environment.

Our proprietary AI (built by processing over half a billion photographs — creating the industry’s largest image database) can analyze, detect and report on 130 oral events using images taken with a smartphone. Simply put, our AI is an industry game-changer.

From virtual consultations, to ultra-realistic simulations and remote treatment monitoring, we’re helping forward-thinking providers simplify their lives and revolutionize the industry.